Sponsorship Opportunities
August 31st, 2016
Technology Roundtable
Partner with Via Satellite and leverage our brand and reach by hosting a Technology Roundtable. Positioned around leading industry events, this is your opportunity to target the satellite audience with a face-to-face panel discussion moderated by Via Satellite.
Align your brand with the following events:
• SATELLITE 2017, Washington, D.C. – March 2017
• NAB, Las Vegas, NV – April 2017
• CommunicAsia, Singapore – May 2017
• IBC, Amsterdam, Netherlands – September 2017
• APEX - Long Beach, CA – September 2017
• SatCon, New York, NY – October 2017
• OilComm, Houston, TX – October 2017
• AfricaCom, Cape Town, South Africa – November 2017
And more...
Interactive Features
Via Satellite’s Interactive Features, provide a next-generation online reading experience. These articles offer a unique, engaging and clean design with interactive images, graphics and video complementing the story.
Sponsors can select an article from the Via Satellite’s editorial calendar to associate their brand with, or we can publish your content in this format.
There are two platforms to choose from:
• Marquee is our standard interactive feature which includes which includes company logo, image and banner within the article. Pricing: $11,485
• Cascade is a more customized version allowing flexibility and input for design, images, video, etc. Pricing: Starting at $15,000.

OilComm Show Daily
The OilComm™ Show Daily is published all three days of the event and covers the latest buzz and happenings on the show floor and in the sessions. It’s a must read for decision makers for this targeted, high powered event! The OilComm™ Show Daily will be distributed onsite at registration, in the publication bins and at sessions.
With significant growth year over year, OilComm™ has more than 130 exhibitors; you must stand out from the competition! Reserve your ad space now and be seen as a leader in the market.
Ad space close:September 21, 2017 | Materials due: September 26, 2017