Email Deployments & Webinars
August 31st, 2016
Email Deployments from Via Satellite
The perfect way to communicate your message to a qualified audience.
We’ve made it easy to you to get your message and brand in front of Via Satellite’s opt-in and qualified readership. Simply create your message, put it in an HTML template and send it to our production team.
Your email deployment will come directly from Via Satellite, tying your organization’s message with a credible, independent and respected information source in the industry. We offer custom email blast opportunities to fit your needs and budget.
One week following the deployment, we’ll provide you with all of the post email analytics from your custom email deployment, arming you with multiple ways to tailor your messaging in the future.
Email deployment pricing: $4,500 for up to 5,000 targeted email addresses of buyers for your products and services.
Sponsored Webinars
Use Via Satellite’s brand and marketing expertise with a one hour web seminar. You select the topic, date/time and speakers and we will take care of the rest! If needed, we can assist with content and speakers.
We’ll promote the webinar (all event promotions include your logo), coordinate all logistics, registration, host and moderate.
Your sponsored webinar includes:
• Comprehensive pre- and post-event marketing campaign
• Banner advertisement on ViaSatellite.com leading up to event
• Promotion in Satellite Today News Feed to 25,000 plus email addresses leading up to event (position depends on availability)
• Full page advertisement in Via Satellite magazine (if timing allows)
• Pre-event email promotions to the full 30k plus email database of Via Satellite
• Post-event email promotions to those who registered, but did not view the live event
• One question of your choice on the registration form
• Archived and hosted on our site for one year
Sponsored Webinar Rate: $15,000