SATELLITE 2017 Conference & Exhibition
August 31st, 2016
Boost your visibility as a solutions provider to more than 13,500 executives.

As the official daily publication of record for SATELLITE Conference & Exhibition, Via Satellite’s Show Daily captures the breaking news, important issues, and newsworthy events that arise during this high-powered conference.
Written by Via Satellite’s seasoned and dedicated editorial staff, Via Satellite’s Show Daily is produced all four days of the SATELLITE Show in Washington D.C., plus a special 5th wrap-up edition mailed with the May issue of Via Satellite.
Distribution includes:
• Registration Bag Distribution
• Room Drops at Official Conference Hotels
• Strategically Placed Onsite Distribution
• Post Show Wrap-up Edition
Ad space close: February 2, 2017 | Materials due: February 10, 2017

SATELLITE Program Guide
The Program Guide is your complete resource to SATELLITE 2017. Until now, in order to advertise in the Program Guide you had to advertise in the SATELLITE 2017 Show Daily.
The guide includes a detailed conference schedule, exhibition hall floor plan, exhibitor list and company description, and much more.
Distribution includes:
• Registration Bags
• Publication bins in registration area
• Publication bins on the exhibit area
Ad space close: February 2, 2017 | Materials due: February 10, 2017

SATELLITE 2017 Advertising Opportunities
Maximize your exposure at SATELLITE
With over 350 exhibitors, you must stand out from the crowd. Let us help you drive exposure for your organization and traffic to your booth. Select from the various opportunities below and we’ll build a custom package for you to meet your objectives.
Via Satellite
February Issue: Pre-Show and Satellite Executive of the Year nominees announced
March Issue: The BIG show Issue and Satellite Executive of the Year winner announced
Digital Edition: Advertise in any digital edition of Via Satellite at a fraction of the cost of print
At the SATELLITE 2017 show
SATELLITE 2017 Show Daily: one low price for all 5 editions - four days of the event plus a bonus post-show wrap up edition, mailed with the May issue of Via Satellite.
SATELLITE 2017 Program Guide: includes event schedule, sessions, floor map and exhibitors and is distributed in the registration bags and publication bins. A must have for attendees.
SATELLITE 2017 Downlink email: Your source for insider information on the event. Each edition delivers the latest information including updates on the sessions, exhibit and sponsorship opportunities, and relevant news and trends within the market.
SATELLITE 2017 Sponsored Video Interview: One on one video interview with an editor of Via Satellite right on the show floor in our News Studio! Great opportunity to discuss a new product introduction, technology or service and the advantages your organization offers.
Email and Advertising
SatelliteTODAY News Feed: Our daily e-newsletter, which is distributed to 25,000 plus email addresses, is sold in 10-Week Packs so your message is out in the market every day for 10 consecutive weeks.
E-Invite: We can deploy your e-letter/e-invite to a targeted list of buyers for your products and services from Via Satellite and invite them to your booth at our show.
Product Spotlight: The March e-letter will be strategically deployed one week ahead of SATELLITE 2017 to help you drive awareness for your product, technology and booth.
Banner ads on Via Satellite: Banner inventory sells out fast leading into our show. Please inquire to discuss available positions and unique opportunities on