Japan’s Space Sector, a Study in Innovation
October 16th, 2020
In this edition of Via Satellite we want to take you on a journey across the globe as we look at the impact of satellite communications in a number of key countries and regions. It is not many times we have a first in Via Satellite, but in this edition our cover story for the first time covers the movers and shakers in the Japanese satellite/space sector. My colleague Rachel Jewett talks to a number of exciting new companies within the sector about what they can bring to the global satellite market. Companies like Astroscale and Infostellar are already making a name for themselves, but there are others also. We take a look and see how Japanese space entrepreneurs are becoming more of a force on the global stage.
Expanding on the theme of global coverage, my colleague Jeff Hill takes a look at the latest development in satellites and space across Africa. In this story, African space leaders share how the continent's 55 nations are working to strengthen the continent’s existing space entities, coordinate their activities, and take a cohesive approach to address their diverse needs in space.
There is no doubt one of the most talked about news stories of the year was Intelsat’s acquisition of Gogo’s Commercial Aviation business. It may give Intelsat an extra edge in the super competitive In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) sector. My colleague Annamarie Nyirady talks to John Wade, president of Gogo’s Commercial Aviation business about the deal and why it could bring a number of benefits to Gogo going forward.
Meanwhile, I once again look at cybersecurity and satellites. Having just successfully concluded our CyberSatGov event, this remains a hot topic. Not least because the U.S. recently brought in the SPD-5 framework, the U.S.’s first cybersecurity and space framework. We talk to a number of key influencers about this directive and what happens next.
As I sit here, COVID-19 cases are beginning to spike up again across the whole world. The satellite industry has remained resilient and the importance of communications and data is becoming more and more obvious. I will continue to wish you, your colleagues, your families and loved ones all the best for the rest of the year. We, at Via Satellite, believe it is an honor and privilege to serve this industry. And we hope next year we will see you again. Zoom/Teams is great but it really isn’t the same. Hopefully, soon!!