Hidden Gems and 2021 Predictions
January 19th, 2021
We are in the first weeks of January and a new year usually brings a new optimism, new hopes and new dreams. This year however, we start with another wave of COVID-19, which is ripping through countries and communities at an alarming rate. We hope as the vaccines start to rollout, the world will start to rebuild, and even though our lives may never be the same, a different kind of normal can emerge.
It is not every day you get to do an in-depth interview one of the world’s most successful business people. But, I had the opportunity to sit down with Sunil Bharti Mittal, the founder and chairman of Bharti Enterprises and talk about why he decided to invest again in “hidden gem” OneWeb. We all know that OneWeb has not been far from headlines over the last year. It’s rise, fall, and re-emergence is quite a story. To get the opportunity to talk to Mittal about he views the investment is fascinating stuff, and it is great to kick off this year with a major interview for Via Satellite. It is well worth a read.
My colleague Rachel Jewett has written a thought-provoking case study on the transport of vaccines in a COVID environment and the role that satellite tech could play here. With certain vaccines needed to be stored at incredibly low temperatures, it is imperative to have real-time monitoring every step of the way. In this case study, Rachel talks to Orbcomm about their work on cold chain telematics.
I spoke with our good friends at NSR just before the holidays and asked them to give us some space/satellite related predictions for 2021. So, they looked into their crystal ball and have come up with some really interesting insights and predictions for us.
I will end as I always do by wishing you, your colleagues, your loved ones all the best and safe health for 2021. We are living through a difficult time, and even though we work in an amazing industry, that is very resilient, I wish you all the best and hope you continue to enjoy Via Satellite as we try to keep you entertained and informed during the pandemic.