From Our Readers
Feedback from Via Satellite's readers on the magazine's 30th anniversary.November 23rd, 2016
I am indebted to Via satellite as it has opened my mind and enabled me to take off the ground and move to another huge space with its constellation, orbits and dreams. Articles related to satellite industry and technology are always in depth and on details. Via Satellite magazine has been a source of inspiration, information and communication on my academic career as well as media professional.
— Laseed Zaghlami, Professor, Algiers University
One of the most memorably articles I’ve read in Via Satellite was a story about the lifespan of a communications satellite and how they are replaced when their expected life is over. Another one was in the early 80's when the FCC first began allowing the use of satellite transmission for cable TV services. It required the CATV company to license a receive-only dish and the requirement was for a minimum size of 10 meters. After dealing with the satellite transitions over the last 30+ years, it's amazing what we can do now with 3.7-meter dishes.
— Donald Snoop, Video Operations & Regulatory Compliance Manager at MIDTEL CABLE TV
Via Satellite is precise and factual. The mind is free of distractions while reading Via Satellite, which is much easier to retain with a lively style and a lenient learning curve. The report is instructive; hence, based on the numerous articles, we have the possibility to maintain a high level of knowledge capacity. Via Satellite has proposed and is always proposing different articles and reports for new technologies and upcoming research materials. Based on some articles I have been able to design and redesign, upgrade and maintain technical structures in my work environment.
— Dhurniswar Bholah, Satellite Officer, Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation
I read Via Satellite because I am in the telecom and broadcast industry and I need to be always ahead of new developments in media and industry. Via Satellite has helped my career in making me aware of developments and industry trends. The companies that advertise in Via Satellite also give me a way to seek further information on their products. The articles on new technologies have been very informative.
— Wesley Agina, Technical Director, Maranatha Africa ltd
I'm old enough to remember hearing the beeping of Sputnik I on 20 Megacycles (as we called it back then) in 1958 and the Morse code "HI" of OSCAR I on 144 Mc. in 1961, while young enough to have it shape my career. Via Satellite is my window on "what's happening next."
— John Pinckney, Construction Services Support Specialist, Cox Communications
Being a professional dealing with satellite communication, Via Satellite keeps me updated to the events in the industry and technical innovations.
— Dayal Duggal, Founder Director, DSP Technologies
Back in 2013, I was working in a project planned for the IS-27, the coverage and successive articles and interviews in Via Satellite helped to better understand how the payload replacement could be managed.
— Guilherme Jose de Taunay Gusmão Cavalcanti, Business Executive, Network Broadcast