SATELLITE 2019 Celebrates Change
July 24th, 2023
This is the first time in my living memory that the SATELLITE show will take place in May and not March. In addition to being hosted in spring, you will notice some other changes. We are revamping the annual awards that we offer the industry, as well as the awards luncheon that we hold at SATELLITE to honor the winner. The Satellite Executive of the Year award will once again be one of the highlights of the event. But, this time, we are announcing the winner live at the show.
We are also bringing back our Satellite Technology Company of the Year award. Finally, we will be announcing the winner of the 2019 Startup Space Entrepreneur Pitch Contest during the ceremony. Again, the fact that we will be announcing the winners of these awards live at the SATELLITE 2019 Awards Luncheon will hopefully add an extra edge and spice to your experience.
Aside from these awards, there are other reasons to be excited about SATELLITE. We are at the cusp of the ‘LEO revolution’ within satellite as constellations of hundreds, if not thousands’ of satellite start to inch closer to commercial reality. I have spoken often about the lack of GEO orders recently, but it really feels the time has now come, and there is no going back. It will be interesting to hear discussions at SATELLITE regarding these new dynamics. Even more importantly, you will notice that our opening general session program features a variety of women as speakers — representing thought leadership from a variety of companies (Southwest Airlines, USA Networks, National Science Foundation, AsiaSat, Inmarsat, etc.) within and connected to our community. Via Satellite’s very own Annamarie Nyirady is also directing an entire opening general session panel dedicated to inclusion and diversity.
Perhaps, this is the right year for the show to be in May. It is a new dawn and a new era. We look forward to welcoming you to the biggest and best satellite show on Earth. Beware of cheap imitators! We are entering unprecedented times for our industry. Enjoy the ride!