2019 Was a Big Year, 2020 Promises Even More
July 24th, 2023
As the editorial team talked about the key events of the satellite industry in 2019, it struck me how momentous of a year it was. The year had a bit of everything. It's clear that the industry is vibrant, and 2020 could have even more talking points that 2019, which would make for quite an upcoming year.
It is the start of a new decade. It is a time of hope, dreams, and opportunity. There is no doubt that technology will play an even bigger role in our lives going forward. The satellite industry is approaching a new normal where decades of traditional business models will change. One of the questions I often ponder is: How many satellites will we see by the end of the next decade? Even the most conservative estimates point to a huge increase, which could change everything. It will also be the decade where 5G could have profound changes on the way we communicate and do business.
In this edition, we take a futuristic look at the industry. Included is a technology preview which looks at what some of the key companies in the sector are looking to do in 2020. We also put the spotlight on Very High Throughput Satellites (VHTS) and what the next iteration of these might be. Additionally, we included a very feature which takes a step away from the satellite industry, looking at the world economic outlook over the next couple of decades and how changes here could impact our industry.
Finally, I am excited to announce that at SATELLITE 2020, Elon Musk, chief engineer and co-founder of SpaceX will be a keynote. It will be interesting to hear Musk’s thoughts on a variety of satellite and space related issues at the start of a new decade.
The editors of Via Satellite will do our best to keep you informed over this transformational time. We wish you all the best.